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Over 1,000 5 Star Ratings
Rated 4,9/5 by 1,328 Students
My Story
Fun, engaging, being social.
That’s why I tutor.
I discovered teaching during my studies at Tilburg University. With great pleasure I taught students individually and classically.
After my studies I backpacked in Australia for a few months and then went into business. In addition to my regular work, I was given the opportunity to provide courses. This turned out to contain only a limited part of my work and I wanted to teach more. So I went to teaching university in the evenings to make the teaching profession completely my own. With this knowledge in my pocket, I decided to set up my own company specialized in mathematical subjects such as Mathematics itself, Statistics and Physics.
My Story
Fun, engaging, being social.
That’s why I tutor.
I discovered teaching during my studies at Tilburg University. With great pleasure I taught students individually and classically.
After my studies I backpacked in Australia for a few months and then went into business. In addition to my regular work, I was given the opportunity to provide courses. This turned out to contain only a limited part of my work and I wanted to teach more. So I went to teaching university in the evenings to make the teaching profession completely my own. With this knowledge in my pocket, I decided to set up my own company specialized in mathematical subjects such as Mathematics itself, Statistics and Physics.